Google has unveiled its new Mobile platform: Android 6 and Smart Watch Android Wear. All the major mobile handset makers like Samsung, Motorola, LG, Huawei, Xiaomi, and HTC are supporting these technologies.
Another major technology trend is use of tablet and similar touch enabled devices for accessing the web and for general purpose computing. Google with Android Tables is also targeting this market segment. Many experts are predicting that the touch enabled mobile computing will soon overtake the current mainstream mouse/keyboard PCs.
In 2016 and beyond Wearable Technologies is also emerging as a major technology trend with smart watches taking the lead. Android Wear based watches are being marketed by number of manufactures.
On the server-side a lot of companies have released platforms for cloud-based computing and most of them support Node.js. These platforms are built to work on a planetary scale supporting billions of users and trillions of transactions per day. They will allow Android developers to write and host custom built backend services on data centers located globally and running a vast number of machines. Cloud computing coupled with Android touch based mobile store apps are setting the stage for the next decade of computing.